Monday, April 30, 2018

Where the Craic is mighty

The irish have a lot of words other english speakers don't use. Mostly comes from integrating Galic into the language. The word Craic is pronounced Crack. It essentially means banter. The way people greet or say Hi here is by usually saying something like
"hey what's the craic?"
My friends already know this is what i'm saying all the time now. It's been a slow, but steady going week. We had zone exchanges this week, which meant a trip back to Dublin City Center! My birth area! And what was really good about this time in particular, I was far more successful this time than when I started. I was at a gift shop last P-day and I found a shirt with that quote on it. You all already know I bought that REAL quick.
Image result for sligo where the craic is mighty

But other than that, It's been a really good week. Not much has happened, like normal, appoinments cancel, spot lessons arise, miracles happen, sometimes it rains, others it's dry. We are going to strand hill today, it's an area right by the coast of ireland, it's got a lot of picture worthy areas, so I should have some for next week. Not much here this time, I didn't really take much, but this one I do have is good craic.
In dublin, there is a nature market where they sell local food for extremely cheap, as in i'll just let the picture tell you.
and it's really really delicious.
I hear good things about the ward back home, Keep doing well everyone! The work here in Sligo is moving forward slowly, but it's not stopping. I can promise everyone who reads these words that I would not be here if I didn't know for myself that the Book of Mormon was true, and that because it IS true, Joseph Smith IS His Prophet of the Latter Days, That Russell M. Nelson is God's Prophet on the earth today, and that Jesus Christ himself leads and guides His Church through these estranged and troubled times. There is no other way, nor is there any other river we can go, nor gate we can enter, nor means that we can return to God than by and through His Son Jesus Christ. He is the Lamb, and the Lion, The Great Mediator, The Living Son of the Living God, Our Redeemer, and Our Savior. It is up to us as his chosen people for these times to rise up and fullfill our calling as servants, and as saints. To raise our Children that they may know to whom they can receive a remission for their sins. The way is not easy, nor was it expected to be, but when the work is finished, and the Lord calls for us at Judgement day, we will be able to look upon our Savior, and Our Lord, and say within our hearts the words maybe similar to Paul's words to Timothy. "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith" 2 Timothy 4:7

Love, Elder Fisk

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