Monday, April 23, 2018

Letter from Elder Fisk to Aunt Diana

Hey Diana! 
My birthday was really fun! Since it was on a wednesday, we didn't do anything fun, but We went to a local bakery and got a 3 layer crumb cake, it was really good. Ireland has a totally different standard of food. every ingredient needs to be completely natural, so some things like chocolate and cookies are wayyy better here, and for the most part foods are way more cheep than in the US. Some areas like in Finglas, there is a real chapel, big building, looks similar to the stuff you see back home, here in Sligo, we have a branch with 14 ish active members. We simply rent an office space and have church in there. If you need a comparison, look at the church next to Huhot in spanish fork. They are really amazing people. 

As far as the spring is concerned, it is beautiful. Sligo is exactly what you would expect ireland to look like. A small city center with a few windy roads that lead out to massive country landscapes, rolling hills, and ponds. The work in this area is slow, but we are doing everything we can to remain diligent and strong during these slow moments, and enjoying the laid back culture of this country.
Oh if you havent checked already, can you look for a sister missionary named Sister Kobongo? She was in my mtc district and was sent there. Probably at the Visitor center but I don't know for sure.

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