Monday, April 2, 2018

Chat Via Google Hangouts and Found by Utahns

Blog post from Elder Fisk's mom:

I am one of those moms that chooses to be awakened by their missionary's weekly emails. I don't mind that it comes into my inbox around 2:30am. I want to read it! When Tyler was in the MTC we were able to chat via Google Hangouts a couple of times and didn't think I would get the privilege to experience that again anytime soon. I was wrong.  Woohoo!  Tyler and I chatted via Google Hangouts this morning from about 2:30am-3:45am.  Best reason for missing out on sleep!  Below are the highlights from our conversation that would be interesting to ya'll:

  • Google Hangouts isn't banned in his mission. (Best news ever!)
  • He got 27 emails last week.  It was just what he needed.  (Thank you all!!)
  • He is in a "no technology" mission (for now) so he reads and responds to emails at a local internet cafe using their computers on pdays.  He typically won't be reading emails during the week since this is their only access to the internet.
  •  He says his area is "sketchy" on Saturday nights but probably not as scary as his friend's Elder Barton who is serving in the L.A. area. :)
  • He and his companion downloaded conference this  morning so they can listen/re-listen to the talks in their flat tonight.
  • He gets along with his companion "really well".
  • They run into church members 2-3 times a day and enjoys talking with them.
  • He is getting plenty to eat. (I'm his mom.  I ask the most important questions. haha )
  • He has a washer, dryer, and dishwasher in his flat. He is able to do laundry at anytime not just on pdays.
  • He hasn't had dinner at a member's house yet so he hasn't had any traditional Irish food.
  • It rains a lot! "It's basically lightly raining every minute of everyday."
  • He has seen the sun 3 times since he has been there. He misses seeing the sun but when the sun does come out, "everyone in the whole country is happy".
  • They don't go knocking on doors, they just meet people on the streets.
  • The Irish people in general are fed up with the established order of religion with government.
  • The hostility surrounding the repeal of the ban on abortions "feels similar to Joseph Smith's account". Churches from all over the world shouting and passing out fliers about their beliefs.
  • President Nelson and Elder Holland are going to the UK in 10 days. All the missionaries get to watch the event.
I am so thankful for being able to chat with Tyler for so long this morning! Such a blessing!


Tyler forwarded me this message and photo from a couple visiting Ireland from Bountiful:  

        Happy to meet these stripling young men on the streets of Dublin sharing the Gospel.
        Godspeed men. May the luck of the Irish be with you in your endeavors.
        Jeremy & Lisa Barlow
        Bountiful, UT

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