Monday, April 2, 2018

Enduring to the End

Before I start, I just want to say thank you all so much for the support. I've spent nearly an hour just reading emails, and I'm so happy you guys are continuing to offer advice, and help me in this transitional phase.

So It's been a roller coaster week. My companion has had the worst days of his entire mission. I've had the best. From accidents to miracles. This week has been silly.
I didn't do a great job of keeping a journal this week, but I'll try and sum it up. So last P-day we went to the zoo right after I finished emailing you guys. There were a few companionships that had all given their cameras to me so I could fix them. They were all using janky cameras with bad interface and functionality, but I ended up fixing them all. Their problem was they had messed with presets and had no idea what any of the numbers or symbols were. I was happy to help.
After the zoo I had my first real missionary moment. for the first time, both us and the investigator had a lesson where we were both edified, and rejoiced. It was in those few hours that I understood the grind of missionary work, and the reward of the spirit when you bring souls to Christ.
We had a lot of the same ol same ol the rest of the week.
But then Friday came along.

OH MY GOODNESS the religious turmoil, the protests in the streets, the Garda (Irish police). Born again preachers on every corner, Angry Grandmas storming over to Mass to celebrate Good Friday. Animal abuse booths with VR tours of farms and how animals are treated. People passing fliers about repealing the 8th on one side, and people passing fliers to keep the 8th on the other. (Ireland is having a vote to repeal the ban on abortion in the country some time soon) It definitely wasn't a day of reverence in regards to the sacred calling and action that Christ had performed this time 2000 years ago. Oh and what was really cool was all the big catholic churches had red lights in their windows to represent the suffering of Christ. I was meeting bashers of religion and the Church BACK TO BACK TO BACK for hours.

Due to the time zone difference, we got to see the Saturday morning session on Saturday, but Only half because we were getting investigators to the church, and then we saw the Priesthood session, the Saturday afternoon, and the Sunday morning session on Sunday. Haven't seen the Sunday evening session yet, but we are hoping to be able to watch it this Saturday as an activity with some of our friends.

Me and a missionary from South Africa, both being new, were put on duty to teach a Chinese Lady about conference. She heard that we were doing something at 5 o'clock, so she came in to see what it was. We went through lesson 0 with her, and taught her the holy ghost principle with about 10 seconds to spare before the session started. She got a grasp of what the session was about, but she really liked what she heard from our prophet, so She's going to be meeting up with missionaries from the north side of Dublin this Wednesday to learn more about our church.

Can I just say that the candy and the Chocolate here is just so much better than American? I don't get why, everything is just better. It's bothersome honestly. And the Snickers bars here?? oh my goodness it's a little piece of heaven here now.

I want to say Happy birthday to my little brother Mason this week! He's turning 6 years old, and he's just an amazing little guy! I'm so happy to be part of his family, and his life. He's going to do amazing things when he grows up, I know it.

And I'm so happy they announced a temple in the exact same area as my good friend Elder Hansen!! A temple in Bengaluru!! I'm so happy for him, and for all the members there who are no doubt rejoicing in this exciting announcement. We have been given apostolic council about what needs to be done before a temple can be established in Ireland. The answer we got is the members are not yet worthy, and the work must continue, but with faith, and a brightness of hope, We will receive one when the people are ready.

This past week has been full of me getting past that hump of change. I really feel like I've pulled myself out of the hard transition, and I'm ready to serve with full purpose of heart.

One last thing. We have a portable dvd player that can read usb's for music. Feel free to send me any music that follows these guidelines:
1. Has no romantic undertones
2. Brings you closer to the savior, or feel peace. (my companion listens to the star wars and the Lord of the Rings soundtracks a lot, which I don't really know how that's ok but it's approved soooo)​

Thank you all!
Elder Fisk

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