Monday, April 1, 2019

Silly times!

Well it's been a really good week for trials!

I went into the podiatrist on tuesday, turns out I got problems with my toes! So long story short with all the details ripped out I've been in the flat most all the week getting my problems solved! Good thing about this is I've been through many trials like this before, so it was almost like meeting an old friend that you sort of wish you didn't have to meet again, but now that you've been acquainted with him, you are kind of stuck with it for the time being.

I've learned a lot about enduring through trials with a load on your back. I'm already sure this is just small pressure compared to the loads I'm likely going to be called to carry in my life one day. To learn to be happy no matter what situation you find yourself in while it's a small burden to overcome means when the time comes that you are called to bear heavy burdens you may more easily apply that principle to your load.

Honestly trials I find are way more interesting to me than the everyday normal life stuff. I often think to myself in a positive way that this means God is attempting to teach me a lesson I need to learn. It's not about me, I'm not given this trial so I can learn to sit in a flat for hours and let time go by. I'm given this because there are people on the earth either now or in the future that will be blessed by the wisdom that comes from prayerfully enduring what i'm called to pass through now.

When I look a trial, no matter how big, small, long, or short, it gives me courage to mightily press forward with faith hoping for better days to come, and opportunities to deliver the life lessons I've learned in a way that isn't preachy or overbearing. If there's one thing you shouldn't do with wisdom, it's cast it before swine, especially at the wrong time.

Forcing truth into someone who isn't capable of applying it is a sign they either don't need it and therefore can't do anything with it, or are unable to comprehend it's light, and reject it, either esteeming is as a thing of naught, and thus hardening themselves to it's power, or being unable to comprehend it, and applying that truth in ways it was not intended to, perversing the light, and making it dark. Classic example of that last bit would definitely be the patriarchal system of the church. Misinterpreted especially before the light of revelation can direct it's divine truth has lead to apostasy, unrightous dominion, and if you look out in the world today, a reversing polarity in the politcal pendulum about the family unit.

well that's enough rambling for now. Not exactly sure if that made a whole lot of sense but it's been on my mind lately and I figured I need to write it down somewhere.

I'll be getting my smartphone in the next week or two, so that's exciting!

Elder Fisk

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