Monday, April 29, 2019

In a blink of an eye

This week we've begun to see a major change in our attitudes about the work. We've seen a beginning to a revolution to the ward's focus. As we've met with many members over the last bit, a lot of them are starting to gather a stronger conversion to the gospel. And some have even started to reach out to their  friends, and teach them. We are getting news from a lot of members in the ward about people they've been talking to, and a few have friends that are interested, which means more time teaching! 

Just last week a member went out with us chapping and was talking to us about how he's going to serve a mission. He's got his papers in, so his call should be coming in sometime soon! What an exciting time for him!

I've learned to be more and more grateful for my trials. I learn much more during my trials most likely because I have learned to immediately rely on the strength and wisdom that comes from trusting in God. The amount of comfort, wisdom, and blessings I've received by following the council of the spirit has been overwhelming at times.

If God is there in the good times, he's there in the bad times. There will always be reason to believe in God.

The kind of experiences you have when you surround yourself with those who lift you higher is something, that once to get a hold of, don't ever want to let go. I so wish that I could keep on this path at this rate for the rest of my life, but I know that situations will change. Friends will leave, life events and stumbling blocks will test, but it won't stop me from trying.

We are staying in Kilmarnock for another transfer! so that means the next time I may leave would be the second week of June! wow that will come by much faster than I suppose.

I got a haircut today. Looks quite nice.

Monday, April 22, 2019

As the days go by

This week has been full of renewal energy. Biggest highlights were we had exchanges in kilmarnock 2 times, once with the district leader, and one with the zone leader. Both of those days were fantastic. We found a couple more people we may be able to start teaching. With transfers coming this week, I've wondered a lot about my future in the mission field. I'm excited for anything. My district right now is amazing, so I'm sad to think about it changing.

This week I started and finished saints. We had a flat inspection and we passed just fine.

We ate dominos twice this week and we still have enough money to last us another month, even though we get more at the end of this week. Not sure if we are just really good on not buying things or what.

Life is still good. 

I don't have much of a spiritual insight to share today but I would highly recommend a deep study into the words if modern day revelation. There are many secrets and hidden truths packed into the words of those inspired men and women. If you listen with real intent on repentance, with an ear of revelation, you will catch on to the vision these leaders, and God has for the future.

Just do it

Elder Fisk

Monday, April 15, 2019


Okokok this last week has been nutty
I don't remember a lick of what happened before Thursday aside from the podiatrist appointment. All this weekend I've been in Edinburgh waiting for the wee bit of surgery I had on Tuesday to heal. 

I spent a day working in the mission office, and there were a few hours where it was just me and my companion in the whole thing! Our only job while they were away was to answer calls and write notes for when they got back.

On Saturday I went with president out to do interviews all around paisley zone. We had some Italian for lunch, and ice cream after we finished the day of interviews. We got stuck in traffic full of people in really nice suits and dresses. They were coming from the horse races, and headed to town for a night of drinks in celebration. 

On Sunday we had a great sacrament meeting in Edinburgh and there was an Easter egg hunt afterwards. President made us pancakes with his special recipe syrup and then dropped us off at the train station to head to ayr for the evening. We had a connecting train in Glasgow that was at another train station, so with a small detour, we got to see a tiny bit of the busyness of glasgow on a Sunday. Its hectic.

We spent the evening in ayr and slept there, we are currently in Irvine playing settlers of Catan, later, we are headed to ayr for the evening, and we will be back in kilmarnock tomorrow. 

Lovely week away from home.
I've loved every minute of it and learned soooooo much from it. 

What a great time to live on the earth.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Speak Life

We've had another successful week! Conference weekend has always been a treat, and this weekend was no different! I LOVED every talk I was able to listen to. There are so many of them that I can't wait to listen and re listen to again and again. 
I don't have much to report for this last week. We've been busy doing what we can to bring others to Christ. And that's all that is asked of us. I'm here to improve how much I can do, and allow me to develop good habits of scripture study and worship so that I may endure through many trials. Hopefully my whole life.

I'm falling short on a lot of fronts. I make mistakes constantly, but i'm not giving up on myself. If I give myself time to make wishful thinking, I might become so overwhelmed that I could shut down. I guess I'm just a little unstable today.

Last week we went to Loch Doon in ayr. On the way we came across a graveyard that had some family names!  

We have our Scotland South conference this thursday, so that will be quite good. I'll be picking up my smartphone then.

That's all from me now. See ya later!