Monday, March 4, 2019

This Week is a Special Week

It's been a great week for sure. I've passed my year mark! YAY.. Well it's been a crazy year in review I'll tell you. This week, right on February 28 we had our Scotland South Conference, and all except for 2 of my mtc group were there, so it was almost a perfect reunion! We ate lunch together and talked about how crazy it was over the last year. What a good conference. Other highlights of the week were we were about to have exchanges, but the district leader got sick that morning so we had to come back. I also tried another super traditional British meal with some members on Sunday, Liver and Onions. I also learned that I'm not a big fan of Liver and Onions this week. It's okay... but I'd be fine if I never came in contact with it for the rest of my life. But that's one more thing I can say I've done on the Mission! It was Lamb Liver, supposedly much better than other forms, but still, I think It was fine.
The work all around is going really good. Excerpt from my letter to President this week since I don't have a lot of time:

Our ward mission leader got up in sacrament yesterday and told everyone just how well we are doing, about how we are teaching a whole family and how the work is just moving along really well, gave us a lot of credit. ( and we didn't even ask him to do it too) and after sacrament meeting we had a lot of members approach us and ask if they could feed us, meet with them this week. Very powerful moment where we are starting to get the members' trust, and I'm hoping this means they go all out in trying to assist us in the work. After all, it's their ward family they are working for, not mine. I'm just called to teach and administer the ordinances of the Gospel in whatever area/ward/branch I get called so it can flourish and sustain itself.

This ward is really good. They hold LOTS of potential. Amidst all my prayers and mediation over this ward, I really feel like the work here is about to explode. Like any moment now we are going to be up to our eyeballs in teaching.

One example of this is as we have gone chapping the last few weeks, I've noticed a few key differences with how these people respond to us, and the general answer as i've prayed about them, even as we talk to them, is that they are prepared. All I have to do is get over my fears, open my mouth, and let the spirit guide.

I don't know when this is going to happen but I truly believe this ward has FANTASTIC potential. As in I believe in our ward boundaries, we could baptize 15 times before I leave. I believe it can be done, I just need to get a grip of myself, repent, and go for it.

1 comment:

  1. I feel as though if anyone is capable of dipping 15 investigators into the waters of baptism, it's Elder Fisk. I miss my most peaceful missionary as I knew that I would. He left behind inspiration to help me spiritually,though.
