Monday, February 4, 2019

Mull of Galloway

Hey! This last week has been very amazing.
I've sent plenty of pictures home of last Pday, but that's not what makes it great.
Earlier this week we had been out of town in a beautiful village called Stewarton. We ate at a local tavern called King's Arm. Since it has been snowing they hadn't been able to get fresh ingredients from their shipping, so the food we got was actually pretty bad. anyway, we got back in Kilmarnock at about 6:30 and after updating the progress records, we were in a strange spot where we didn't know what to do. We had hoped the day would last a bit longer in town, so we were a bit lost in the evening. However it just seemed as soon as this happened, and at the moment I began to pray for direction, we got a phone call from 2 recent converts, asking us to come over and give a blessing. The guy had been in the church for 10 months, and his girlfriend for 6. She was sunk into a deep ravine of emotional trauma. Upon arrival I recognized with immediate realisation that in the source from which her depression came from was almost Identical with what I had the burden of experiencing just a few short months ago. The blessing that I gave was one of the most powerful and most humbling experiences I've ever had. after the blessing we stood in silence for several minutes just basking in the spirit. no one could speak, and all of us were on the verge of tears.
I gave them a talk to listen to from a recent conference. After they had listened to it they sent us a text saying that one of the exact lines in that conference talk were in her blessing.

If you want to know how you are being led by the spirit it is simple. Do what is right. if you are following the commandments, and diligently searching the scriptures, and praying always, you are endowed with the direction of the spirit. Instead of wondering if the thoughts you have are from God, simply follow them. If you are obedient and a thought comes to you that entices you to do something good, It will always be from God. Others agency will choose to accept or understand it. We are here to choose God, so choose him.

Here are some pictures from our pday at the Mull of Galloway.  This is the most southern point of Scotland. You can see England, The Isle of Man, and Ireland from here. 

The mull of Galloway is a Lighthouse with the only active foghorn left in the country. While there a technician actually showed us the horn. It was a beautiful day, (but really cold!!) and a really good district only adds to it.


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