Monday, January 28, 2019

Ok so it's been a hot minute

Well I haven't updated home since I got a third companion in vegas so this is going to be interesting. 

So I stayed in Palmhurst and Westcliff wards with Elder Ellis and Elder Settle. That week flew by. Being in a trio is absolutely fantastic especially if you have companion unity between all of you. Never a dull moment and we always had something to talk about. The only downside was losing a bit of space in the apartment. But that was just a minor inconvenience. 

My flight was on Monday morning in Vegas at around 9:00am I think, and I landed in Edinburgh at 10:30am on Tuesday morning. That was an interesting change. And my trainer picked me up from the airport! That was great to think back on old times. Oh how things have changed since those days. 

I had a few lessons with them while I was waiting for President MacDonald to get home from interviews, and when he did, we talked for a good long while. He took me out for some fish and chips and showed me the street that diagon ally is named after. We chatted a bit more than I was on a train to my area. I was originally assigned to Paisley but then it was changed to Kilmarnock. Kilmarnock is a old town filled with pretty decent people so far. I got there for Burns Night, which is probably the closest thing to a Scotland Thanksgiving as you are going to get. All the missionaries had the evening off, and there was a ward party, so we went. It was a great time. I had haggis for the first time that day! 

Since then we've met quite a few ward members, and been to a few surrounding towns looking for some good old investigators. 

I'll have some serious pictures next week. this time is not much. 

The work moves forward!

Elder Fisk

Me in a nice sweater

Very nice speed limit sign

My companion taking a 
picture of me

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