Tuesday, January 15, 2019


This week is the drum roll for sure. Since I'm leaving next week, I was put in a trio companionship. Now it's me, Elder Settle, and Elder Ellis. We are also in a car for the week. 

I'm a bit sick, mostly just my nose is stuffy, but other than that I'm really good. It's raining hardcore outside and it has since yesterday, which is a huge change from what it usually is, dry and sunny. I'm pretty sure it's just God getting me prepped for the next 16 months. 

We are seeing very good things in our area. We are viewing miracles each and every day. Relying on the strength from the Gospel of Jesus Christ allows us to lift and carry burdens we otherwise would not be able to bear.

While I havent as of yet been able to see with my own eyes just how much the Gospel can change someone's life, I know it's changed mine. 

I suppose next time you get an email from me it will be in Scotland/northern Ireland. Until then, send any questions, or anything really! I'd love to answer them.

Elder Fisk


Added since original post:

We had a district council meeting. I borrowed another elders suit jacket because I was on exchanges that day and didn't pack the suit.

Also, our ward mission leader gave us a loaf of bread.

And my district leader had a Lego missionary set.

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