Monday, February 11, 2019

Life In Killie

This last week has been super fun! We had a dinner appointment almost every day last week. We chapped into 7 infinity houses. 

The week went by really fast, Elder Price is done and gone off to his mission tour. His parents are picking him up today in Ediburgh and they are spending the week going all over the mission and then headed home this Sunday. What an excited missionary he was when he left!

All of my thoughts are mixed up and jumbled together, not sure what to say. 

I'm in Irvine for the weekend since Elder Price has gone away, and I'm training this transfer!  I get to wait in Irvine's area till I get to go up to Edinburgh tomorrow to pick up my new companion.

We saw a Chav Parade yesterday. Basically there's a weekly tradition in Irvine where approximately 100 teenage kids march down the streets every Sunday evening drunk, high, and they go around terrorizing the town for a few hours. Good thing we were on our way out of the town when they came in. We saw the damage they did this morning. Several stores had been broken into, rocks thrown through windows, garbage cans and street signs tipped over and busted, wow I didn't think I'd see that happen here. and It's especially surprising that this is a weekly tradition in this town. Guess I know what i'm planning around. Good thing i'm only in Irvine this weekend.

We had a great last P-day. The bridge in the pictures is at the Brig o' Doon in Ayr. The other pictures are from the gift shop at Dundonald Castle. And then the picture of the orange sun is from my flat's view. There are some good pictures in this week, particularly me with a Knight's helmet on and I keep getting a laugh out of it every time I look at it.

And you know how theres that big S design thing that everyone is shown when they are in 3rd grade, you do the three lines on top and three lines underneath then you put the connecting two lines in between and triangles on top? they have that in Kilmarnock too.

Not sure what else to say, I'm doing good, got plenty of money for the rest of the month. Happy and healthy! See you next week.

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