Monday, July 2, 2018

Week 17/99

Wow when you put put it like that the mission seems a lot shorter than 2 years. I mean sure i've got a ton of time left but at the same time it don't know if it really has been 16 weeks! wow that's just weird! 
ok so this week looking back... 
It's been pretty average actually! I'm surprised that It's already July! This past transfer has been really awesome. It helps a lot when you have a companion you get along with. It's also weird to think I've been in Sligo for 11 weeks. I remember finishing my first 12 weeks of training, and now i've nearly spent 12 weeks in the same area. wow. This last week flew by, hard to remember everything really. Highlight of the week was probably how hot it got. It was 33 celcius on Thursday! That means 91 degrees! with 80% humidity!! When people talk about never getting dry, I understand now what they meant. you start sweating when it hits around 70, and it just gets worse and worse the hotter it gets.
As we were walking in town on thursday, a lady came up to us and gave us popsicles. HUGE blessing at the time. I've taken the task of learning the piano. Maybe by the end of the mission i'll know how to play a few hymns. who knows? I don't really get much time to practice other than for about a half hour after church on sundays but it's good time. The weather is in it's extremes now. pretty soon the country will be facing a drought. Ireland hasn't ever really needed water storage since it rains all the time, but it has only drizzled about 2 times in the last month! Ireland has never needed to pray for rain but... It may end up happening! I guess I brought the utah weather over here didn't I?
Well I don't have any pictures this week, but today i'm taking Elder Siswick over to hazelwood forest so you can expect more good pictures for next week. I hope all of you are doing well! Enjoy the sun and the warm temperature for me! It's not fun when it's 80% humidity all the time.
til next week! 
Elder Fisk

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