Monday, July 9, 2018

Fancy weeks

Wow this week has gone by so fast. I feel like I was just emailing you guys. Good news is, our new mission president is awesome, and our last p-day was WAY cool. We couldn't find the forest, so we just went driving. Our area takes about 2 hours to cover it all, so we just drove. We found ourselves on a back road behind the north side of Benbulbon, in what they called a horseshoe, basically where the road follows the curvature of the mountainside, and we got to see skeletons of old houses and barns. I took a lot of pictures and we had a fantastic time. Well bad news is I didn't bring my camera with me today. We are doing a district p-day, so we drove to Mullingar this morning and are planning on going to some abandoned cathedral or something. I don't know, but we'll have pictures from the other missionaries for this one.

Not a whole lot else is going on. I feel great. I'm enjoying Ireland. We are in a drought, (some of the God-fearing insist that it's God cursing us for the vote on abortion a bit ago... Well.) 
Transfers are next week, which means there's a chance next you hear from me I'll be in Scotland! Won't that be awesome! I may be staying, but I guess we'll find out right?
I have learned a lot about who I am on this mission. And although I have a long ways to go, I'm grateful for how hard I have been on myself, and how difficult I've made the missionary work become, because If I hadn't, I wouldn't have learned that what I was doing was wrong. I've learned a grand and simple principle, "if it's not working, change it"
I love everyone back home! Missionary work is tiring, but if there is one thing I would say to the return missionaries in the ward, whether you just got back, or you served 30 years ago. The mission didn't change you, Christ, and his atonement changed you. And you can have the same spiritual experience at home as you did on your mission. The reason you may be feeling this way is because you were on a spiritual diet of 2 hours of scripture study per day, and how many times were you praying in those days? Are you doing so now? You cannot say "oh I miss the mission, I miss the spirit I felt there" because you are entitled to that same spirit now! I would encourage all those to carefully consider how they can once again feel the full loving embrace of the Savior and his atonement work in your life. The spirit didn't cease to touch your heart and teach your mind once you were released, but once you stopped letting it do so.
Elder Fisk


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