Monday, May 28, 2018

Another week in Sligo!

Super good week actually! We've received several miracles from God this week. One of them was we received a referral from Church Headquarters of a guy named James who went online and told us where he was, he wanted to meet. We meet with this guy (lives an hour away mind you) and he takes a Book of Mormon, says he'll read it. He'd get baptized if he came to know it was true, yeah it's the same kind of thing we get when we meet with people all the time. So we head back, kind of feeling lame since we were pretty sure he was just a flake. So we move on with the day. On our way back, We get ANOTHER referral from church headquarters. This time it's a guy who lived in Spain, and had been meeting with the missionaries there, but had just moved here. Then 5 minutes later we get another text to call him immediately. Then right after the text we get a call from the Mission home and are told by them that we need to call this guy. So we take it as a sign maybe we need to contact this guy RIGHT NOW. We text, call, and email him, nothing. We have his address, so we are going to stop by next week (this guy lives in County Mayo, also about an hour away from us). So we get a few appointments set up with some people on the street, basically normal day, then we get back to the flat at the end. at around 9:02, we get a text message from James saying he read the first 18 chapters of 1 Nephi and want's to meet up! Dang that's some cool stuff.
I don't have a lot of pictures this week. we didn't get to do a whole lot last week, but I'll have a ton for next week. These are pictures of the town center where we walk around for hours and hours every day.

Elder Fisk

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