Tuesday, March 6, 2018

A transformative journey

Oh God is so good to me. I've received countless blessings, and given some too. My companion and I were prosolyting in manchester yesterday, and we ran into so many cool people. We discussed religion with people on the street, we met a french man who insisted his name was barrack obama, and we talked about his life. he travels the world as a hobby. he's been to 28 different states, and after receiving the book of mormon, he said he will make sure his next trip is to utah, and to tour around salt lake city. We had free time for a few hours on saturday, so an elder from texas and I went walking through the nearby countryside, visiting vast and strange neigborhoods and towns.

Real quick I just need to mention It's really hard to type on a british keyboard, a lot of keys are moved around and resized. and these laptops don't have a way to right click for spell check, so yeah, you get to see how bad my english really is.

I've had several amazing meals. Corned beef and mutton, with boiled potatoes and steamed beans, being the highlight of the meals this week. I've only got 5 minutes so i'll need to send a seperate email after my temple trip. Sorry! i'll get back to you guys soon. I'll have pictures there!
Ok, now to continue my story. I've been blessed with amazing teachers that testify of teaching, and have helped us develop as servants of God. 

So I want to address really quick, We have a grand total of missionaries in the entire building of 50. 36 of us are from this week, the other 14 are German speaking missionaries that will be leaving when we do. There are a lot of diversity in those 50 people. We have members from Cambodia, Georga, Taiwan, Tailand, China, Australia, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Argentina, Brazil, and Canada. We Utah missionaries are actually outnumbered. The Temple is absolutely beautiful. We just got back from a market a few miles east of here, and we ran into several missionaries who are serving in this area. This truly is a marvelous work being done among the people. I'm learning really well and good how to tune my humor to missionary standards. Funny thing, i've been named Elder Meme, The One True Meme Lord, and Meme Senpai. I have a natural talent to make everyone smile, even my Companion. /@Devin Stock, we jinxed it. I can't get the photos to upload properly here, I'll attempt a bit later, I'm sorry! some other missionaries are having the same problem. I think it's the laptops are on Differing OS's, and have different restrictions. I think I can upload from my tablet though. 

I'm loving the work being sent my way, I've born testimony to strangers in places I wasn't thinking I would, but i'm happy and proud to serve the lord in this time. Even to day on P-day, we gave a book of mormon to a merchant in the nearby marketplace. She loves serving the missionaries, and she was excited that we invited her to learn about the church. Golden investigators everyone, I'm telling ya. There is an elder here who is from Switzerland that is going to the Carlsbad mission, His name is Elder Maglio. The G is silent. He is a fantastic man, a rare but powerful servant of God, glad he's on our team. He is excited to learn american culture but also not happy to see so much of the flaunting of riches, as he describes. I have a photo of me him that I will hopefully be able to send when I can. I love you all, and I want to hear from you soon! I haven't been homesick this entire time, so maybe this is just another blessing in disguise. See you all soon! These two years are going to fly fast, so watch out everyone, i'll be back home before you know it

Elder Fisk


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