Monday, June 17, 2019


It's been a great first week in Inverness! It already feels like I've been here for ages though! Lucky lucky I am in a dank area. Aka we got the loch and we got the good castle. We've not done a whole lot, just meetings, lessons, lots of visits, lots of finding. Just a big full schedule of lots of work to do.

While I've been on my mission, I've been blessed with self worth. I understand how important it is to know who you are and where you fit in all this work. While at our zone leadership conference, we all talked about this. 
A lot of missionaries in our zone are new, and young. They havent figured themselves out, they still try to be someone they're not. We concluded that's going to be the biggest focus as leaders, teach them to learn to love themselves and their work. Figure out how to work while being themselves. Then I realised that I'm getting aged. I realised I'm now what others think of as "experienced". All it took was to listen to them over the last week. I realised I'm older than all 7 other people in my district, and tied with a sister (mtc group) and they ask me questions about how to do things. Being a leader is a strange thing. Elder Fabiano and I made this joke about replacing the word leader with peasant. There is a stereotype of big headed district and zone leaders so we just refer to them as district peasants and zone peasants. 

I guess it's just wierd to be called old. I still feel like I'm in my first few months.

So not much to report on. I've been in meetings constantly and I'll be in more meetings till tomorrow night.

We went to slains castle today and it was fantastic. We played capture the flag a few hours. It was a great great time. Happy to meet so many in the zone. 

Well dont know what to say apart from this for now. Cheers everyone!

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