Monday, June 24, 2019

Power of Spirit!

Even when life is slow, time goes by quick. 

This week we had our zone cluster and Scotland north conference, and it was amazing. The rejuvenating power of the spirit is a very real power. 

We've mostly been occupied with a lot of planning. We didn't have a whole ton of time to find this week. But we've had a lot of meaningful experiences and I'm just happy to be here.

I don't have many things to say this week. Like usual I guess. We played risk with the invergordon elders and then went into town for some shopping, and I got a nice jacket. Not a proselyting jacket, just a good souvenir one.Yeah I like my jackets that's for sure.

We are going to be very busy this week. We have quite a few appointments filling up a ton of our time. I love it! The Spirit of God just feels so good. I encourage anyone and everyone I can really talk to to just try it and feel how good it feels. 

I can't believe june is almost over. It doesnt make a lot of sense. But it's like that sometimes.

See you!

Monday, June 17, 2019


It's been a great first week in Inverness! It already feels like I've been here for ages though! Lucky lucky I am in a dank area. Aka we got the loch and we got the good castle. We've not done a whole lot, just meetings, lessons, lots of visits, lots of finding. Just a big full schedule of lots of work to do.

While I've been on my mission, I've been blessed with self worth. I understand how important it is to know who you are and where you fit in all this work. While at our zone leadership conference, we all talked about this. 
A lot of missionaries in our zone are new, and young. They havent figured themselves out, they still try to be someone they're not. We concluded that's going to be the biggest focus as leaders, teach them to learn to love themselves and their work. Figure out how to work while being themselves. Then I realised that I'm getting aged. I realised I'm now what others think of as "experienced". All it took was to listen to them over the last week. I realised I'm older than all 7 other people in my district, and tied with a sister (mtc group) and they ask me questions about how to do things. Being a leader is a strange thing. Elder Fabiano and I made this joke about replacing the word leader with peasant. There is a stereotype of big headed district and zone leaders so we just refer to them as district peasants and zone peasants. 

I guess it's just wierd to be called old. I still feel like I'm in my first few months.

So not much to report on. I've been in meetings constantly and I'll be in more meetings till tomorrow night.

We went to slains castle today and it was fantastic. We played capture the flag a few hours. It was a great great time. Happy to meet so many in the zone. 

Well dont know what to say apart from this for now. Cheers everyone!

Monday, June 10, 2019

Run for the hills!

Well the week came and went. Big news for me! I'm sent now to the beautiful land of Inverness to be a district leader! 

No idea what that's going to be like but I'm ready to see what happens next! 

It was pretty sad to say goodbye to everyone yesterday, I wish I could be around them more and more. However, the mission and life moves on and on. Time to be responsible I guess.

Not a whole lot else to say, it's a full day of travel.

Everyone I've talked to has been very jealous of my travel there, so I guess I'll be in for some very pretty pdays wont I? This will be exciting for sure.

Let me share with you a scripture I came across that I really like for this week.

Doctrine and Covenants 58:26 says this

26 For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward.

I really appreciate that truth. The purpose is to grow and make our own decisions. We should always rely on God to help us make our (important) decisions, but we shouldn't wait until he tells us to do good to do good. You should already know to do those things, so do them!

Inverness Castle

Monday, June 3, 2019

When pday makes life great

I feel like at this point I'm walking up every day to write a weekly update.

Well for news this last week I went to glasgow on Wednesday to have an operation on my foot. When I got there they mixed it up as a consultation and the doctor wasnt informed correctly, so she had to look at her schedule to see when it could happen, but she quickly realized she's on vacation for two weeks after this week, along with getting another doctor for the operation wont be available till July. So for now I'm just going to continue doing what I have been doing. Lots of resting, and when I work, I work full power. 

Amazing thing about this is we've had higher weekly numbers here with little work at 100% commitment than the infinite chapping and work we had the first few months. I wonder if that gives some insight on miracles preceding faith.

Today we went to dalquharran castle. Imagine one of the biggest castles you can find and keep it nearly completely intact, minus age turning it into more ruiny. And it has a dungeon with more square footage and rooms than most houses you'll find anywhere. It was so massive.

That's the castle we went to, and that's the castle I'm bringing my friends and family to. It's out in the middle of no where. It's a castle no one talks about, and no one goes to. And all 13 people in our district say this has been the best castle they've ever seen.

And we got exclusive access. We were by ourselves almost the entire time. The only other person that came was a photographer from west Virginia who has been all over Scotland and even he said this was his favorite one. It's so big!

I have many pictures of this place, and a lot of videos. Before we went there we went to the cannibal caves about 25 minutes away. The legend is a guy named sawney bean lived in this cave and would kill traveling merchants, take their things, pull the body into the cave for food, then throw the carcass into the ocean. After fee years of incest, his family grew to 40 people, who all had enough room to live in this cave (this cave is massive. The video I've got doesnt show you nearly anything, it's too dark for it to pick up)

It's the week we get moves calls! I'll be letting you all know what's happening next week! Will I stay in kilmarnock again? We'll see. It will be hard to leave. I've loved this area.

See you next week!