Monday, May 13, 2019


I think that's been a previous week title

It's been so great here. The last week has been really eventful, lots of teaching, lots of soul searching, lots of good jokes with the members, its really just been a super fast super solid time. I'm getting awful close to that one year mark aren't I?

I loved just chilling and talking with my family. The recent change really makes the conversation nice and mellow.

Today we went out to west kilbride, and to see the grounds near portencross castle. Lots of really cool things there. I dipped my phone into the ocean and got a few cool brief views of the ocean. It's super cool! I hope I can get those sent home soon. 

The district is so cool! I love all of them. 

The sun has been out for once and I've even gotten a sunburn on my neck! Last time I got some sun on me was when I was in Sligo last year. Its weird that that was a year ago. I read journal entries from back then and marvel at how time and things have changed. 

I suppose I'll marvel even more a year from now when I'm ending my mission at how different things ended up being. 

A year is really short. All I have to do is two more kilmarnocks, and that's me. I've spent 5 months here, once this transfer is over it will be almost 6. Doesnt feel like I've been here for that long. Time doesnt make sense anyway.

I'm sure I'll blink and another week will be gone. I'm just happy that life is going in the direction it is. I can feell that a great stumbling block is approaching, dont know what it is, or what its consequences will be, but I know if I'm applying the faith and conversion I've received due to my condition this last year and a few months, I'll top it just like the others that have come before it.

If these were my last words, as a missionary, and a child of God, on the earth here and now I would say that my heart and my purpose is full and fulfilled. I have not failed, nor will I fail. If my soul was required at the altar tonight, I'd go without regret, knowing I've done all I've been sent to do. 

 I wish I knew what details I wanted to share about my life in Scotland. I'm just not sure what to add to or mention. It's all just different here, and a good different for a lot of things. 

Alright, I'll be seeing you all later! I've got work to do!
Elder Fisk

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