Monday, June 11, 2018


Hey everyone! I'm in Sligo for another transfer! More beautiful pictures! More awesome views! It's going to be an exciting one! I've got a new companion, Elder Siswick! He's an English fellow, actually from Chorley, where the temple is! He's started the same time that my friend Elder Hansen started, so he's been out a year now. He's served it all in Scotland so far, and this is his first time in the Republic! He's been doing good. It's taken him time to adjust. although I must admit this past week has been one of the most challenging times of my life. I have never spent as much time on my knees as I have in these last days. I want to share with each of you my testimony in the power of Prayer. I had always known James 1:5, yet I never really understood that it meant ANYTHING., and EVERYTHING. I've learned for myself, and attained a very special witness of God's hand in our work, and in our companionship. I wrote in my journal how strange it was that I was spending 10 thousand dollars and 2 years of my life to learn two words, "Ask God"
I encourage all who are sincerely looking for anything, to ask Him to give it to you. Follow the guidelines in the scriptures, to receive an answer from God Himself is something very plainly explained in the Book of Mormon. And for those who have a desire to have faith, or want to believe, but find it difficult, I encourage you to read Alma 32. I promise as you reach your hand out to God, you will answer by extending his arm towards you, as it says many time in the scriptures that his arm is already extended towards us, the only thing stopping us from receiving revelation is our own stubbornness and pride. It's because we do not extend our arm to meet his. The heavens are not, and never were sealed, mankind shut the windows to heaven, not vise versa. There are so many religions in Christianity that very distinctly follow and believe what Christ told Joseph Smith in the Grove, and what he said in Matthew. "They draw near me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They teach the commandments of men, having a form of Godliness, but they deny the power thereof." It's taken me a surprisingly long time to figure out what that meant. It's saying people teach the law, and they teach from the Bible. These religions believe in the Bible more than they believe in God. They believe in the scriptures, but deny the Prophets who wrote them. Strange, isn't it? It doesn't make any sense why they do, but that's what they believe.
I could rant on this for so long, but fortunately, the prophets in the Book of Mormon have said all that should be said concerning these people. Just read the lamentations of Nephi, Jacob, Abinadi, Nephi (in Helaman) Mormon, as well as Moroni. They say it better than I can.
"Oh ye fair ones" comes to mind.
I should not dwell on these things. Sorry everyone.

Elder Fisk

​and this one is our fridge right before transfers​



  1. Hey bro I'm so happy for you!! You are doing amazing work love ya

  2. Hey bro I'm so happy for you!! You are doing amazing work love ya
