Monday, March 26, 2018

Highs and Lows

What goes up must come down. Man this week has been more difficult than anything i've done in my life. I'll admit, to all my friends from the mtc, I cried for the first time, then the second, then the third. It's been a real struggle for me. Not going to lie, going home was a thought that crossed my mind. However, It wasn't until yesterday that I felt alright. Before I get further, I'll go ahead and tell you all about my week.

For those who do not have a lot of time, read the paragraph below this one, and read what happened on sunday.

Other cool information before I get started, Dublin is the Food Capital of the mission. The missionaries have a love for this mission, because it has the holy trinity of restaurants. Dicey's Garden, which is basically as Irish as you can get. 5 euro, You get your choice of meat, and vegetables, So I got a couple slices of pork, and then got Spinach, and Carrots, they they add a bunch of stuffing. then you get 2 baked potatoes, a big scoop of mashed potatoes, boiled potatoe chunks, then covered in Chips (aka potato wedges) then smothered in a dark gravy. OH IRELAND! It's a huge meal, and it's really cheap. The next is called Boojim. It's the closest thing to mexican food they offer in this mission. It's really good, but it's just not at all comparable to mexican food back home. But it's also just as cheap, and as big as Beto's back home, so I'm satisfied. The best is saved for last. It's called Star Pizza. 5 euro, you get a 9 inch pizza, a big back of chips, and a 32 oz drink. People who eat at star pizza share the exact same sentiment that we would say about betos. It's unhealthy, cheap, but INSANELY good, followed by a few hours of regret. It's basically sinning.
My companion is Elder Norris. He grew up in california, but he lived in orem prior to his mission. He's an amazing person. Proud to serve alongside him.

Tuesday: I arrived at the mission home. We sang songs, had a devotional. Shepherds Pie from my mission president's chef. Ahhh that was some good stuff. I ran into Elder Butler after about 5 minutes of being in the home. We sat next to each other at dinner. He's doing amazing. So many other missionaries look up to him. And he loves the mission. After, we went finding, or GQ'ing. It means golden question. Basically, we walk endlessly talking to as many people as we can. We found a guy that was taking his trash out, and it turned out that meeting was enough to get him interested in learning about the gospel. He was visiting Edinburgh from cork, so his number has been transferred off. Also ran into my first MEGA atheist. He believed all religion is overcome with corruption, and there is no way we can prove, nor could we replicate, a miracle, or proof of God. He was a silly guy. He liked yelling, which i'll admit was kind of funny.

Wednesday: TRAVEL DAY. We left shortly before 6:00 am, and we landed in our flat around 7:30 pm. And we went finding the rest of the night. I'll admit, I was only just beginning to adjust, and I met a lot of salty boys on the streets. I did not have a positive journal entry that day. However, during the travel day, I got to spend a lot of time with 2 of my MTC friends, Elder McDermott, and Sister Menzie. We took photos on the top of the ferry from scotland to ireland. which is a 3 hour boat ride, I should tell you. Can't wait to talk to them again some day.

Thursday: We had 4 lessons, all of which were in the local McDonalds. We spend nearly every moment of the day on Grafton Street, so if you look up Grafton Street in dublin, and can see the mcdonalds right there on the square, most likely i'm standing there, talking to people. 2 cool things happened though. There is a guy that is huge friends with the missionaries that works on the street. He isn't a member, but he loves us like he was. He came by with over 70 euros of Thai food for us to take home, free of charge, just handed off like it was a christmas present. What a guy. As we were leaving, My companion got a call from the district leader, so he was off a bit, talking to him. As they were on the phone, a man came up to me. He asked if I was mormon. I obviously told him I was. He introduced himself. His name is Martin. He's not a member or anything, but he pleaded that I pray for him. He was about to go through the addiction recovery process, and he really needed any help we can give him. I talked to him for about 5 minutes. I keep him in my prayers, since I know that can be really really hard.

Friday: right after we got into the square in front of the McDonalds, a man came up to us and asked if we were jehovas witnesses. We told him no. He then went on for about 10 minutes about how much he loves jesus, and how amazing the bible is, and how profound the constant search for knowledge is. He thinks our church is super cool for having additional scripture that serves as a second witness of Jesus Christ. We had our first lesson just before lunch with a man named marcos. I made my first baptismal invite, and he said yes. He came to church with us on sunday, which was awesome. He plans on continuing the work towards that goal. We met with a romanian Girl named Adele. She has already had all the lessons, she just isn't sure about baptism yet. But she loves talking to the missionaries all the time.

Saturday: As one of my mtc friends can describe, I'll offer the same sentiment. OOF. Saturday was awful. I broke down a lot. Didn't know what I was doing with my life. I didn't know what was wrong. I couldn't handle being a missionary. While my companion and I were on Grafton bridge, I was studying, looking for clarity, for answers, and he was GQ'ing. I came across Section 29 of Doctrine and Covenants, and I read the first 6 verses, since they were the ones on the page. Oh man, It's exactly what i needed. I got to have a genuine conversation with an atheist who expressed a lot of sentiments I totally agree with. It's completely in-genuine, and hypocritical that he's met missionaries before, that as soon as they find out he's atheist, reject him, and push him away. He thinks it's messed up that people that are supposed to be preaching about repentance, and love, reject anyone that doesn't believe in the same religion as them, and treats them like less than human. Because of this kind of experience across several years of his life, he had come to the conclusion that all religions are close minded, unwilling to allow the people to think for themselves, and thus forget how to love someone for who they are, a child of God. I believe we left that conversation on a super positive note, with both of us coming closer to Christ. That was probably the highlight of the week. I believe we are going to be good friends later on. That night, we met an anti everything kind of guy. He went on and on about how religion is all about mind control. How the IRS is feeding corruption, and I don't know what else he was on about. He told us how messed up his life is. I won't repeat what I heard, I'd rather not think about what his life story. But I definitely understand now what happens when you accumulate hundreds of years of hatred, wickedness, and betrayal, and feed it to someone their whole life. It's really sad.

Sunday: The breaking point. After church, we went to Grafton street, just like usual. We had an appointment that got canceled, so we went into McDonalds for Companion study. I have purposefully left out how hard it has been to be a missionary. While in the McDonalds, I had had enough. I was moments away from taking my badge, throwing it away, and calling the mission president. This entire week I've been in a black hole. I hadn't felt happy. I couldn't smile. But the worst part of it all was I didn't know why I felt this. I offered my plea to God for something. Anything that I can do to remove this mist of darkness I was trapped in. In that moment of despair, my companion told me to forget it all. Forget everything about what i'd learned about being a missionary, and just be myself. We were in the middle of the square, and he said what's the funniest way I can find. I thought for about 1 second, before remembering a promise i'll admit I wasn't serious about making at the mtc. I promised a few people I'd GQ people by asking them "What's Poppin?" since it was the most strange thing you could ask someone. So with a grin on my face, I asked everyone, both old and young that question. In less than a minute, I met a few kids my age that we got into a conversation about religion on. The next minute, we set up an appointment for tuesday at 7:00. I have no idea even still why that worked, but it makes me bust up laughing thinking about it. I think it clicked. Now I'm happy. I feel normal. As the missionary life works its way into my being, I'll continue being myself, and being true to the person I want to be.
Love You All!
Elder Fisk​

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Elder Fisk has arrived

Dear Brother and Sister Fisk,
On 20 March 2018, we welcomed Elder Fisk to the Scotland/Ireland Mission.  He arrived safely from the Missionary Training Center and we are excited to have him in our mission.  I interviewed him and felt his spirit and desire to serve our Heavenly Father.  One of our very best missionaries, Elder Norris, has been assigned to be his trainer.  Together they will serve in the Dublin Zone, and he will attend the Terenure 1st Ward.
I will have the opportunity to meet with Elder Fisk for a personal interview every six weeks.  In addition, your missionary will be writing me a weekly letter of his activities as well as a personal note.   He will also meet regularly with his district and zone leaders where he will be trained with other missionaries.  Therefore, with interviews and our weekly letters, I should be able to help him meet any challenges he may have.
We are grateful for the part you have played in preparing your son to serve in this important work. We would encourage you to write him weekly letters of encouragement. Letters from home provide a powerful sustaining effect on the confidence and morale of our missionaries.
Letters can be sent to his flat or to the office.  His address is –
Apt 11 Grenville, 110/111
Rathgar Road

P-Days are Monday.
If you have a concern about your missionary, please feel free to contact us here at the Mission office.  We testify of the truthfulness of this work and are grateful to be a part of it.
George R Donaldson
George R Donaldson, President

PS:  Stirling, Scotland, 1898, David O. McKay: “I was homesick and a little discouraged on this day.  As we were coming back into town, I saw an unfinished dwelling, over the front door of which was a stone on which there was a carving. That was most unusual, so I said to Elder Johnston, ‘I’m going to see what that is.’ I was half way up the gravelled walk when there came to my eyesight a striking motto as follows, carved in stone:  “‘Whate’er Thou Art, Act Well Thy Part.’  I said to myself, or the Spirit within me, you are here as a representative of the Lord Jesus Christ. That afternoon, I accepted the message given to me on that stone, and from that moment we tried to do our part as missionaries in Scotland” 

Sunday, March 18, 2018

The week in reflection

Hey I'm emailing today instead of tuesday. The MTC president has no idea if we will be able to email you because we are leaving tuesday morning to go to the field. So He's having us send these today. The last week has been insanely awesome. So much inspiration, so much learning. I'm absolutely excited to leave on tuesday. I also have a lot of time so this one can at least have some detail, rather than just a quick story and testimony like last week.
So now that i've tried real authentic fish and chips, I understand why people want you to try it. It's just sooo much better than what we have back home. We ate at a pub a few blocks from the mtc. 
    Also the MTC is absolutetly amazing. I don't know what you all know about it, But i'll assume it's not a whole lot. The entire mtc is just one building. 3 floors. The facility can fit a maximum of 150 people. On average, it's around 30-50 every transfer. As you can imagine, i've grown very close with all these people here, since there are so few of us, it's amazing to have this experience. The food they serve here at the mtc is also really good too. Today they fed us a classic Baked Potato and chili. There are a lot of little things they have here that are different. For example, the way toilets work here is there's a separate handle from the toilet that is basically a hatch. the longer you hold down, the more water runs, rather than just the 1-2 gallons that they do in the US. Also, when you are shopping, and you are paying for all your stuff, you pay for your bags. so if I bought a bunch of stuff and they put it in three bags, i pay 5p for each bag. If I want to pay for a nicer bag, than I can get a 10p bag. They do this to encourage people to either not use bags, or bring your own. 
     I've learned so much about how to teach the gospel to people. I've also spent loads of hours into scripture study and conference talks. I've started good habits, like cleanliness, both in my room, with my laundry, and my body. Keeping a stable sleep schedule I didn't realize is something that anyone can do, but no one does. But it makes life so much easier. I usually get up a minute or two before my alarm, and when it goes off, All of us jump out of bed at once, and we kick off the day. I'm in what many may call, a high time in life. May I remind you all to pray to God, not just when it's hard, but when it's easy. Don't pray after the manner of a shopping list, or a christmas wish list. GIve thanks for all things God has given you, and you shall find joy therein. I want all of you back home to look at yourself in the mirror, and tell yourself that God loves you so much that he is giving you every day of your life to come closer to him. 

Before I go, I want to share a bit of revelation about a certain story in the new testament that I feel prompted to share. A woman who was caught in the very act of adultery was taken before Jesus, and asked what was to be done. According to the law of the land, even the law of moses, it was required that she should be stoned for whoredom. Jesus told them "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." I'm sure most everyone has heard this story before, but maybe you haven't thought of it this way, and this is my purpose of mentioning this story to you my family and friends. We need to remember that she, even the one who had sinned, was not allowed to cast the stone. Yea, even Jesus was left alone with her, and he told her to go and sin no more. Let this be a reminder to all people that they should not judge themselves nor their salvation based on what they have done, Jesus is the only one who can judge you for a sin or mistake you have made in your life. Not even you. Go no more after yourselves for your shortcomings, and turn yourself to Christ, who alone is mighty to save.  Go no more after the lusts of your eyes, but cross yourself in all these things. Forgive yourself of your shortcomings, and plead with God. Repent, and live with God, for that is the only way we will be able to live forever with happiness, and Joy. Peace be with all of you.

Email me, I love reading what you have to say. ask questions, and seek yourselves the kingdom of God. This is the only time I have to speak to you as a representative of Jesus Christ, So feel free to talk to me about whatever you would like. 

See you in 100 weeks!

Elder Fisk​

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Life is good

I just had a miracle performed today not even an hour before this email was sent. I've been struggling through a ingrown toenail for the last week. Today while in the temple, it was so painful, while walking up stairs, I had to almost limp my way on my heel. I had to remove the slipper from my foot while we were sitting down, only to relieve the tension on my foot while I wasn't walking. In the celestial room, I located a book of mormon, then earnestly prayed with my heart that I may find comfort and peace. I asked that this one time my hands may be guided to the words I needed to receive. I opened to Alma chapter 14. In this chapter, Alma and Amulek were in prison, chained, stripped of clothing, starved, thirsted, and mocked by the chief judge and his apostles for their faith in a God that didn't exist. They mocked and beat them, and locked them away. and when they were to lift their hands to slay them, as we read in verse 26, "and alma cried, saying: How long shall we suffer these great afflictions, O Lord? O Lord, give us strength according to our faith which is in Christ, even unto deliverance. And they Broke the cords with which they were bound; and when the people saw this, they began to flee, for the fear of destruction had come upon them." I was considering the story as I made my way back to the changing room. As I was getting ready to change my socks, I prayed with all the earesty of my heart. I pleaded with my father in heaven that my constant pain will flee, and my affliction that distracts from my purpose as a missionary will be released, according to the faith in my heart. I knew if John Tanner could have a diseased Leg healed by his faith, by the power of the Priesthood, I can have this pain be rented from me. When I finished my prayer, I took off the sock. My toe was healed. I no longer felt pain. I slipped my socks and shoes on and walked all the way back to the mtc, a Healed and faithful servant.

I wish that I had time to share my knowledge of the gospel, that there is a purpose to our life. All true questions from the heart can be answered, and every doubt and challenge you face can be purified through the atonement of Christ. God be with all of you, who labor on the other side of the world. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

A transformative journey

Oh God is so good to me. I've received countless blessings, and given some too. My companion and I were prosolyting in manchester yesterday, and we ran into so many cool people. We discussed religion with people on the street, we met a french man who insisted his name was barrack obama, and we talked about his life. he travels the world as a hobby. he's been to 28 different states, and after receiving the book of mormon, he said he will make sure his next trip is to utah, and to tour around salt lake city. We had free time for a few hours on saturday, so an elder from texas and I went walking through the nearby countryside, visiting vast and strange neigborhoods and towns.

Real quick I just need to mention It's really hard to type on a british keyboard, a lot of keys are moved around and resized. and these laptops don't have a way to right click for spell check, so yeah, you get to see how bad my english really is.

I've had several amazing meals. Corned beef and mutton, with boiled potatoes and steamed beans, being the highlight of the meals this week. I've only got 5 minutes so i'll need to send a seperate email after my temple trip. Sorry! i'll get back to you guys soon. I'll have pictures there!
Ok, now to continue my story. I've been blessed with amazing teachers that testify of teaching, and have helped us develop as servants of God. 

So I want to address really quick, We have a grand total of missionaries in the entire building of 50. 36 of us are from this week, the other 14 are German speaking missionaries that will be leaving when we do. There are a lot of diversity in those 50 people. We have members from Cambodia, Georga, Taiwan, Tailand, China, Australia, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Argentina, Brazil, and Canada. We Utah missionaries are actually outnumbered. The Temple is absolutely beautiful. We just got back from a market a few miles east of here, and we ran into several missionaries who are serving in this area. This truly is a marvelous work being done among the people. I'm learning really well and good how to tune my humor to missionary standards. Funny thing, i've been named Elder Meme, The One True Meme Lord, and Meme Senpai. I have a natural talent to make everyone smile, even my Companion. /@Devin Stock, we jinxed it. I can't get the photos to upload properly here, I'll attempt a bit later, I'm sorry! some other missionaries are having the same problem. I think it's the laptops are on Differing OS's, and have different restrictions. I think I can upload from my tablet though. 

I'm loving the work being sent my way, I've born testimony to strangers in places I wasn't thinking I would, but i'm happy and proud to serve the lord in this time. Even to day on P-day, we gave a book of mormon to a merchant in the nearby marketplace. She loves serving the missionaries, and she was excited that we invited her to learn about the church. Golden investigators everyone, I'm telling ya. There is an elder here who is from Switzerland that is going to the Carlsbad mission, His name is Elder Maglio. The G is silent. He is a fantastic man, a rare but powerful servant of God, glad he's on our team. He is excited to learn american culture but also not happy to see so much of the flaunting of riches, as he describes. I have a photo of me him that I will hopefully be able to send when I can. I love you all, and I want to hear from you soon! I haven't been homesick this entire time, so maybe this is just another blessing in disguise. See you all soon! These two years are going to fly fast, so watch out everyone, i'll be back home before you know it

Elder Fisk