Monday, September 16, 2019

Wow! Has life been this short?

This week has been great for a lot of reasons. My studies this week have been absolutely magnificent. My experience with the spirit has continued to work inside me, I've felt a dramatic change take place over the weekend. My understanding of the scriptures has been hit by a heavy upgrade, and I've been able to teach with the power and authority of God. 

Im coming to an understanding of "cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly..."

It's not just about forgiveness, and pride, it's about light. If you strip yourself of pride and envy, you are able to see clearly, to discern between truth and error. I've had a wonderful experience of just that thing this week. 

I've learned to stop asking why and start asking What will you have me do now? I love being able to testify of truths that I have truly experienced for myself. I love sharing what I've learned about God with anyone who will listen. 

I hope everyone back home is happy, ready for Conference!! Its coming up quick now! Hope you have a safe week too. We need to be more safe.

Gifts from mom! 👍

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