Monday, September 2, 2019

"They filled the pot hole Elder"

Moves have come and gone. I'm staying for another transfer in Inverness!!! YES!

Unfortunately, Elder Bagshaw is headed oot. He's going to the land of car bombs and born agains, Belfast Town, Northern Ireland. 

However, due to having our first ever full mission conference this Saturday, it's going to work a little bit differently from usual. Elder Bagshaw is going to stay here for the week and head down to the conference with us on saturday and then head to his new area after the conference ends. Speaking of us,

My new companion is Elder Mørklid! He's from Norway! My first non native english speaking companion! And what's great about being a Nord is he's got that cheeky 50% frost resistance. We are picking him up today at 1:30 ish and we will be on our way.

Subject line today came from Invergordon, they have this super massive pot hole next to their flat (as in like 9 feet by 15) that one of the Elders used as an object of prophecy when they first got here. There has always been water in this pot hole, so this man told us the day that pot hole dries and there is no more water, is the day they close the area. Well last week we came up for district council and there was a bobcat-uk equivalent pushing a mountain of sand, dirt and then gravel over this pit. A bit overkill because it went from a pit to a hill about 8 feet tall. We took it as the sign and sure enough, the area closed this week. So Elder Mørklid, Elder Bagshaw and I will be taking over the work there as well. We already had the biggest area, but now we have T H E   B I G G E S T   A R E A. With all caps and spaces. I'll send you a screenshot of our new boundaries when it updates.

It's a Big Day for the mission at least for me. My MTC sisters are headed out on a plane back home today. The rest of my group is on the clock now. 6 months left for them. 9.5 left for me. The last 6 months have vanished by, I'm sure the next 6 will do the same.

Elder Keenan goes home today as well, if you remember, he was the elder who was with me when I was sick last year. He was the one who saw me off! I'm now the only living missionary to have served in sligo. A lot has happened since then. Can't believe how long that year was.

Elder Fisk

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