Monday, September 30, 2019

When your flat deletes itself

Well this has been an adventurous week to be sure. Let's run down what happened

On Monday we went to donnotar castle, and afterwards we had exchanges.

Tuesday we had district council and exchanges for the afternoon. This day was wack because there was fog throughout the whole county and it was soooooo thick. Our car had one of its tires pop while it was parked, we dont think it got slashed but it was odd that it was completely deflated. Turned out the tire was rusted onto the car so we had to call AA. He got the tire off, and it turns out both the front tires were so badly worn that the threads were showing on the inside of the tire. So he put his spare on the other side. We drove down to qwikfit. Got that taken care of. I made biscuits and Gravy for the 4 of us, they went on their merry way and so did we. The drive back home was intense because the fog followed us home and driving in midnight black windy country roads with thick fog and semi trucks calls for some close calls. 

On Wednesday the landlord showed up and saw how poor our flat was. He immediately hired on local joiners and a plumber to fix the job. This includes removing the bathroom, the bathroom floor, the kitchen floor, the wall between the two, and they have just started putting the new stuff back in. Fortunately we are showering and being fed breakfast by some members about 20 minutes away from us so that's been good. 

I got an operation done on my toe on Wednesday and I've been flat bound ever since so overall life is pretty good I guess. I had a really powerful moment in the scriptures and in my prayers where I felt deeply loved and assured that I'm where I need to be, that God is with me still, and this trial is almost over. 

That would be nice, it's been a problem for a very long time.

Monday, September 23, 2019


Well I've lost the motivation to write home today so I'm doing my best here.

Inverness is beautiful, as usual. We've had a couple really clear days and wow it makes a huge difference driving around the country with clear skies. It makes things look totally different.

Had a really cool experience this week actually. We were headed out to a post office to send a baptismal form out to thurso, and I got in a conversation with the clerk there, and after talking for a minute I asked him if he wanted us to come visit him in his home. He agreed and set up an appointment for yesterday. 

We went in to the appointment after church and he had just got called into work so we rescheduled for Wednesday. 

The book of mormon videos are out! Yes! The first one was so good!!! You got to watch them if you havent.

Today for pday we went to dunnotar castle. It was legendary. Had a great time with a lot of the missionaries in the zone. We are going to be in Aberdeen the next couple days then head back to inverness. That's the plan for this week.

Hope everyone is doing well and will continue to do well! Love you!

Monday, September 16, 2019

Wow! Has life been this short?

This week has been great for a lot of reasons. My studies this week have been absolutely magnificent. My experience with the spirit has continued to work inside me, I've felt a dramatic change take place over the weekend. My understanding of the scriptures has been hit by a heavy upgrade, and I've been able to teach with the power and authority of God. 

Im coming to an understanding of "cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly..."

It's not just about forgiveness, and pride, it's about light. If you strip yourself of pride and envy, you are able to see clearly, to discern between truth and error. I've had a wonderful experience of just that thing this week. 

I've learned to stop asking why and start asking What will you have me do now? I love being able to testify of truths that I have truly experienced for myself. I love sharing what I've learned about God with anyone who will listen. 

I hope everyone back home is happy, ready for Conference!! Its coming up quick now! Hope you have a safe week too. We need to be more safe.

Gifts from mom! 👍

Monday, September 9, 2019

Another Inverness Photo Dump

I guess it's one of those weeks where a lot happened but you have no energy to write it all. 
We had a zone pday today. We went to slains castle again, stopped by the trump golf course up in the area as well. Elder bagshaw is in ireland now, I bet he's enjoying it. It's just me and elder Mørklid now. 
We had a special conference with elder Anderson with the entire mission. It was just amazing. We've driven almost 1000 miles this week alone. I've seen a whole lot of Scotland now. The only general area I havent been to is by the border to england and the tip top of Scotland, thurso and wick area. I'll be going there possibly this week.

We have another conference tomorrow. Interviews tonight with president will be great. The work moves forward, life is good.

I'll give you a thought. It's not very well edited, so it's not very eloquent. just take it as it is I guess. 

We often say we submit ourselves to the will of the lord. But when we say that, we often are really saying, "you know I'm willing to submit myself to you as long as that means by doing so, I'm going to immediately see miracles." But what happens when the miracles dont come? What if the will of the lord is that you need to be patient for a season? What if what he wants you to do, and what you are supposed to be submitting yourself to, is silence for a time? When we say I'll do whatever you ask, are we willing to sit still and wait?

How long are we willing to do his will? Let's say his will is that you dont get fruit right away. Maybe he needs to test how loyal you truly are. How willing are you to do the work of the lord when you dont see fruit for 2 hours? Or maybe 2 days? Months even? This life is a test of faith. Each child receives a test according to their needs. Are you willing to do all the lord asks even when you dont know why nor how long you may need to sit in silence, trusting in his promise?